Close to redeeming an award you want? There are ways to get there quicker! If you have reached at least 70% of the Asia Miles required for your desired award, you can purchase top-up miles in blocks of 2,000 Asia Miles at USD60 per block.
How to top up
Select for any Flight or Lifestyle awards.
Select your desired award, and purchase your top-up miles as instructed on the checkout page.
Receive confirmation and enjoy the award!
Terms and conditions
- A member can only purchase Asia Miles at the time of making an award request.
- The number of Asia Miles that a member wishes to purchase cannot exceed 30% of the required number needed for that particular award.
- The purchased Asia Miles must be used against the award being requested. Once the miles have been issued, they must be redeemed immediately. No refunds are permitted.
- Any Asia Miles not used toward the award will remain in the member's account and the remaining balance cannot exceed 2,000 miles.
- The purchase of Asia Miles will be confirmed on the member's statement as a merchandise sale under “Activity details”.
- Other Asia Miles terms and conditions apply.